Development Updates

Tournament Log – with undos! (Dev Update January 25th, 2017)

By January 25, 2017 No Comments

Tournament Log

There is now a tournament log that logs all actions taken by tournament staff throughout the tournament including player registrations, seat draws, table balancing, player eliminations, etc. The log is accessible from the notepad icon at the top of the tournament screen.

In addition to being able to view the tournament recap, the tournament staff has the ability to “Undo” actions through the tournament log. Very helpful in case a mistake is made like eliminating the wrong player or accidentally reseating the entire tournament field! One click and the action will be undone.

Typically actions must be undone sequentially in the reverse order of which they were done. There are some exceptions like rebuys and addons which may be corrected at any time.

Take it for a ride!