Browsers are waging a battle against websites that auto-play sounds or videos when you visit their pages. They have put in different mechanisms to block auto-play of different media.
Blind Valet plays the following sounds:
- Warning one minute before the level change,
- 5 second countdown before the level change
- Level change alert
As these sounds are played on a timer, and not as a direct user action (clicking a button) they are affected by the auto-play policies of the browsers.
Here are some settings that may help you enable sounds for Blind Valet:
Google Chrome
To set the Auto Play Policy on Google Chrome to allow the auto play of sounds:
- Navigate to the url chrome://flags/#autoplay-policy
- Set Autoplay Policy to “User gesture is required for cross-origin iFrames”
Safari has a security setting to block “autoplay” of sounds on websites, but this can be managed on a per site basis. To allow sounds to play:
- Navigate to Blind Valet
- Click on the Safari menu, then Settings for this website…
- For Auto-Play, select “Allow all Auto-Play”
To make sure autoplay is enabled in Firefox:
- Enter about:config in the address bar and hit enter
- Enter media.autoplay.enabled in the search box
- If the Value is set to false, double-click it to change it to true
Microsoft Edge
To allow autoplay in Microsoft Edge:
- Click on the menu icon (the three dots) and select Settings
- Switch to the Advanced category in Settings
- Locate Media Autoplay in the menu that opens
- Set the autoplay functionality to allow